We understand how frustrating it can be when you disagree with your insurance’s evaluation of damages. Our team of appraisers are here to help you.

About Our Firm

Welcome to Nationwide a trustworthy Appraisal Group. Our highly experienced qualified team of appraisers provides accurate and reliable appraisal services for residential and commercial properties.

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Types of damages we appraise

We look forward to helping you get the evaluation you deserve.

Fire Damage

Comprehensive assessment of property damage caused by fire, helping to expedite your insurance claims.

Flood Damage

Evaluating the extent of water-induced property damage to support your recovery and insurance claim efforts.

Mold Damage

Accurate appraisals to quantify mold-related property damage, facilitating swift insurance claim processing.

Hurricane Damage

Thorough evaluations of property affected by hurricane force, aiding in your insurance claim process.

Water Damage

Detailed analysis of property harm caused by water intrusion, ensuring fair insurance claim resolution.

Find us in Miami

Meet our expert appraisers at our location, dedicated to providing you with accurate and reliable appraisal services.


Why Hire Us ?

We guarantee to provide a truly impartial and expert appraisal on your claim. Our entire team of appraisers are committed to ensuring that your consumer rights are upheld. Our mission is to provide you with the very best appraisal services in Florida.

Appraisal services

Precise, reliable evaluations for your insurance claims.

Umpire services

Unbiased dispute resolution for efficient insurance claim settlement.

Underpaid claims

Helping you get the full compensation you deserve.

What our clients say